How did banks keep track of your money before technology?

How did banks keep track of your money before technology? May, 12 2023

A Brief History of Banking

Before we delve into how banks kept track of customers' money before technology, let's take a brief look at the history of banking. Banking has been around for centuries, with the first banks dating back to ancient Mesopotamia, where they acted as temples that stored valuable goods such as grain and precious metals. Over time, banking evolved into a more sophisticated system, with banks in ancient Greece and Rome offering loans, deposits, and currency exchange services. But how did these early banks keep track of their customers' money without the help of modern technology? In this article, we'll explore the methods banks used to manage accounts and transactions before the age of computers.

Handwritten Ledgers and Account Books

One of the primary ways banks kept track of customers' money before technology was through the use of handwritten ledgers and account books. These books were meticulously maintained by bank clerks, who recorded all transactions, including deposits, withdrawals, and loans, in ink. Each customer's account was assigned a unique number, and their transactions were recorded in the bank's ledger under this number. Clerks would also update customers' personal account books, which they would bring with them when conducting transactions at the bank. This manual method of record-keeping was time-consuming and prone to human error, but it was the most accurate system available at the time.

Double-Entry Bookkeeping

Double-entry bookkeeping was another method used by banks to keep track of transactions and ensure accuracy in their records. This system, which dates back to the 14th century, involves recording each transaction in two separate columns: one for debits and one for credits. The total of the debits and credits should always balance, making it easier for banks to spot discrepancies and errors in their records. Double-entry bookkeeping provided a more organized and reliable way for banks to track their customers' money and helped to lay the foundation for modern accounting practices.

Bank Drafts and Checks

Before the widespread use of electronic payments, bank drafts and checks were common methods of transferring money between accounts. Customers would write checks to pay for goods and services, and the recipient would deposit the check at their own bank. Banks would then exchange these checks, either in person or by mail, and update their respective account ledgers to reflect the transaction. This system, while effective, was time-consuming and required careful coordination between banks to ensure accurate record-keeping.


To streamline the process of exchanging checks and updating account ledgers, banks began to establish clearinghouses in the 19th century. Clearinghouses were central locations where banks could meet to exchange checks and settle accounts, eliminating the need for individual banks to send checks directly to each other. This made the process of updating account records more efficient, as banks could settle multiple transactions at once. Clearinghouses played a crucial role in the development of modern banking practices and laid the groundwork for electronic payment systems.

Bank Statements and Passbooks

Before the advent of online banking, customers relied on bank statements and passbooks to keep track of their account balances and transactions. Banks would periodically mail statements to their customers, detailing all of their transactions, including deposits, withdrawals, and any fees or interest charges. Customers would also maintain passbooks, which they would bring to the bank when making transactions. Bank clerks would update the passbook with the details of each transaction, providing customers with a physical record of their account activity.

Telegraph and Telephone Communications

As communication technology advanced in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, banks began to use telegraph and telephone networks to communicate with other banks and coordinate transactions more efficiently. This allowed banks to exchange information about checks and other transactions more quickly, reducing the time it took for funds to be transferred between accounts. While this technology did not directly impact the way banks recorded transactions in their ledgers, it played a crucial role in streamlining the banking process and paving the way for future technological innovations.

Punch Card Systems

In the early 20th century, some banks began to adopt punch card systems to help automate the process of updating account records. These systems, which were originally developed for use in the census and later adapted for business applications, involved the use of cards with holes punched in them to represent specific pieces of information. Banks would use these cards to store account data, such as balances and transaction history, and update them using punch card machines. While still a manual process, punch card systems provided a more efficient and accurate method of record-keeping than handwritten ledgers.

The Dawn of Electronic Banking

The invention of the computer in the mid-20th century marked a turning point in the history of banking, as banks began to adopt electronic systems to manage their records and transactions. Early computers were used to automate the process of updating account ledgers, eliminating the need for handwritten records and reducing the risk of human error. Over time, electronic banking systems became more sophisticated, allowing banks to process transactions more quickly and provide customers with real-time access to their account information. This marked the beginning of the modern era of banking, which has continued to evolve with the rapid advancements in technology.


Before the advent of modern technology, banks relied on a variety of methods to keep track of their customers' money, from handwritten ledgers and account books to double-entry bookkeeping and punch card systems. While these methods were time-consuming and prone to human error, they provided the foundation for the sophisticated electronic banking systems we use today. As technology continues to advance, the banking industry will undoubtedly continue to evolve, providing customers with even more efficient and convenient ways to manage their money.

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